Thursday, January 19, 2006

secret confession

Maybe its because I have been stuck in my house for the past month, or maybe I am just plain bored. I have done my share of sudoku. I have read over 5 books, but now I have become a slave to a television show. Worse yet -- it is a REALITY television show!

I know! UUUGGGG! Egads, what could be worse? But internets, have you been watching Project Runway! I am helpless against its powers. I sit with eyes glazed over at the fabulous designers and their dramas! It is like a glorious sled crash that I cannot tear my eyes away from! My husband he just sighs and leaves the room. I am not the woman he married.

My favorite designer? So glad that you asked. NICK! He is fabulous I tell you. He is whom I predict to win it all. He is funny, fabulous, and so obviously talented. He is also over the age of 35 so I am rooting for him on that sheer fact alone. You can keep your Santinos with all their wickity-whack tie ons and over the top ruffles. I can't take the eye rolling and sour faces he makes. He will last the remainder of the show just for the drama he creates. But he is no Nick I tell you. He can't even carry Nick's sewing kit. Although in all fairness, I am sure he is a much nicer person than he is being portrayed on the show. Those evil editing bastards. Here is a funny outtake video that I like of Santino.

So there you have it. One of my only deep dark secrets I will reveal on the internet. I admit I am a hypocrite.

Edited to add: Ok that video link is not working. If you want to go to it, click on episode 7 bonus videos. It is #4 labeled Catchy Tune.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband is disgusted with my "glazed over" look I get with What not to wear. I wear nursing shirts and my maternity jeans -too lazy/depressed to buy or sew new pants. I owned way too many sandals too! Living where there is snow for more months than not.... yeah, not so good.
Good luck to this Nick person. I have yet to watch Project Runway. Adore him already, just by age alone!
The blog reader... lurker?!

January 19, 2006  
Blogger T$ said...

Yay! Welcome reader/lurker!


January 19, 2006  
Blogger Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

My husband actually watches "What Not to Wear" with me sometimes...Project Runway he finds silly...but I am I was last season.

One of my faves won last year...and I have been predicting Nick, Chloe and Santino in the final...although last week's episode with the skating costume Santino designed--and the lingerie creations--made me second guess his even making the final. Now I'm wondering if the third will be Daniel Vosivic...whom I also think is delightful.

Nick and Chloe's designs have been my favorite just esthetically...even if I wouldn't wear most of what is designed on the show if you paid me.

There are certain shows, movies, etc. that I can watch OVER and OVER ad nauseum. (Like, say Dirty Dancing.) These Project Runway episodes are the same. Even if I have seen it, I can put it on as background noise and chuckle.

Do you have a final three in mind?!


January 20, 2006  
Blogger T$ said...

Hannah, I am so glad that you are a fan too! I agree with you. I think that Nick, Chloe and Santino are the strongest designers. The first episode, I picked Santino to win it all. I don't think that will happen. I also like Daniel V. and Andre had been growing on me as well. I thought that Santino may have been out that last episode when Heidi said she was ready to give him her "auf wiedersehen."

And I wouldn't wear anything theirs either. Especially now with my "Frankenfoot". I will post a picture of that soon.

January 20, 2006  

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