Monday, March 06, 2006

independence day

I drove my kids to school today. I got behind the wheel and I drove.

It felt really good.

So good that I went to Whole Foods and shopped there for the first time in 3 months.

It was delightful.

Then after walking around Whole Foods in my somewhat elevated boots, I decided that what I really needed was a new pair of shoes, read: comfortable shoes. But what to buy? I needed something comfortable and non-constricting. Something that would allow my foot to swell after I walk on it too much. New tennis shoes seemed out of the question. I then drove myself over to Fourth St. where there is an indpendent shoe store that sells just what I was looking for. Ten minutes later I was the proud owner of some rather clunky, yet comfortable and supportive Birkenstocks. I chose the color mocha suede.

And I did it all on my own. Independence feels good people.


Blogger Nanny said...

I am really enjoying your blog. I am from South Africa and started out as an aupair in Michigan. I lived with a wonderful family in West Bloomfield and I still miss Michigan on a weekly basis. I am now living in NYC and loving it here, but I hope to soemday move back to the husband is from Minesotta, so that helps with the whole Midwest move idea. LOL. I first found your blog "ode to a babysitter". I found it so honest. I am fully aware that I will now have to check on your blog quite often....I am hooked.

March 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh... the Birk link is broken, at least on my computer it is.... I was so looking forward to seeing what kind you chose! As a Birk fanatic (I'm in double digits), who had relatives in Germany (hence very cheap to purchase!)I am always thrilled to see what kinds other people have.
Glad you had a great day out there! Getting out on your own feels so freeing doesn't it!
Gosh, it was only five years ago I was finishing off my pt! yikes!

March 07, 2006  
Blogger T$ said...

I fixed the link! I got the "boston" in Mocha.

I had forgotten how they hurt your feet at first. I have put them away for a little while until the other pains in my foot subside...

March 07, 2006  

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