Wednesday, October 05, 2005

on the button

I am currently in a holding pattern for my October client. She called yesterday (her due date) to say that she was having contractions, but they were still pretty mild. That was 24 hours ago. I talked to her around 6pm last night and she had been contracting all day, but that it still seemed to be early labor. I was expecting to get a call last night, but never heard from her. And so, I wait.

I can't help but think back 7 years. I was waiting then too. Although, I was waiting for my own labor to start. I woke up at 4:30am when my water broke. After going to the bathroom, I noticed that the water had a green tinge to it. And at that moment my birth plan flew out the window. I went to the hospital around 7am and was admitted. Around 11am I was attatched to a pitocin drip. 15 hours later my little boy was born. It was a long difficult labor, but one that I am infinatley grateful for, because it put me on my path to becoming a doula.

Right now, I am going to bake cupcakes for Andrew to take to school tomorrow. I figure I should do it soon, just in case I am called to a birth later.


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