Tuesday, February 08, 2005

under the freakin weather

So for the last few days I have been running a fever and had a headache. The same symptoms my children complained of the last 2 weeks. Andrew was sick 2 weeks ago and Brooke was sick last week. And here I thought I would skate through this winter without illness. Oh well, at least my latest client had her baby 2 weeks ago. It does make it hard to do post partum visits.

I am also counting down the days until we head for Florida. We are staying with friends for part of the trip and then heading to the town of Mouse for a few days. I can't believe that I am going there. The kids will have fun.

Today was also adventures in puppy class. I have enrolled Milo our (almost) 5 month old golden retreiver mix in a puppy kindergarten class. He is the biggest dog in the class (weighing in at 42 pounds) He looked pretty funny next to the weiner dog. I think he will be easy to train. He is eager and motivated by the string cheese that I cut up for his training treats. I know it will be a matter of being consistent. Oh yes, and doing our homework.


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