Thursday, August 25, 2005

Called into action

Last week a fellow doula sent out a broadcast email asking for a backup for a few days. The other 2 doulas in the email link were both out of town, so I responded and agreed to be backup for her. She left yesterday and returns next Tuesday. She advised that the client is a first time mom who was feeling a bit nervous and was hoping to meet me. She connected us and we met this morning for coffee. The pregnant mommy and I talked for about an hour and I felt very comfortable with her. I told her I had a client who is due next week, so she wasn't allowed to go into labor until her regular doula comes home on Tuesday. She laughed and said she could keep her legs crossed until then. As we were leaving I asked her to send me an email after her baby was born, because I now felt a little invested in her and would be curious how things went. She said she would and we went our seperate ways.

An hour ago, she called me again.

"Hi Terri? It 's me from this morning?"

"Yeah, how are you?"

"You are going to kill me. My water just broke."

So I am going to a birth that I was not expecting! The really ironic thing is that she contacted me when she was searching out doulas. We emailed back and forth and then she said she found a doula she was really comfortable working with. I wrote her back and wished her well. Never expecting I would be there anyway!


Blogger Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

I can't wait to hear how things go, since it must have been 'meant to be'...!


August 26, 2005  

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