Thursday, August 25, 2005

Evolution of a father

The picture is of our friend Ron. He is holding my newborn daughter Brooke in the photo. I remember the visit like it was last week. Pam, his wife eagerly held Brooke and cooed in her ear. Ron was reluctant to even go near her. Finally we managed to convince him to hold her and snap a quick picture. Notice how uncomfortable he looks. He seems completely unsure about the tiny creature in his lap.

Flash forward 4 years. Ron is now the proud father of three children. Boy #1 was born 8 months after this photo was taken (no wonder Pam was so eager to hold the baby). Girl #1 was born 2 years later, and Boy #2 was born about 5 weeks ago. I thought about this picture this morning as I was driving past their house. As I approached their house, I spotted Ron passing his new baby out of the baby bjorn strapped to his body into the hands of his wife. Their son and daughter were outside too, clad only in underwear and diaper respectively. They were saying goodbye to a friend pulling out of their driveway. I slowed my minivan and rolled down my window.

"Hey, how are you guys? Those kids look great! That is the best thing I have seen all day!"

Ron shouts back "Dude, I'm Mr. Mom, I haven't worked a single day in the month of August!"

Au contraire...I'm sure he has worked EVERY day during the month of August.


Blogger doulicia said...

sweet story. And good point about his working every day!

August 29, 2005  

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